Does the Perfect-Pullup™ Do Anything? - Cube Dweller Fitness

Does the Perfect-Pullup™ Do Anything?

You’ve seen it. You’ve seen the Perfect-Pullup™ sitting on the shelves. You’ve probably even wondered if it works. Well not so fast.

According to a recent study comparing pull-ups, chin-ups, and the Perfect-Pullup™ concluded:

The Perfect·Pullup™ rotational device does not appear to enhance muscular recruitment when compared to the conventional pull-up or chin-up.

But the research had some other interesting tidbits as well.

Average EMG muscle activation values (%MVIC) were as follows: latissimus dorsi (117-130%), biceps brachii (78-96%), infraspinatus (71-79%), lower trapezius (45-56%), pectoralis major (44-57%), erector spinae (39-41%), and external oblique (31-35%). The pectoralis major and biceps brachii had significantly higher EMG activation during the chin-up than during the pull-up, whereas the lower trapezius was significantly more active during the pull-up. No differences were detected between the Perfect·Pullup™ with twisting handles and the conventional pull-up and chin-up exercises.

Look at the muscles involved in doing a pullup, listed in order of activation:

  1. lats – build that big V-shape in the back
  2. biceps – bring out the gun-show
  3. infraspinatus – infra…spin…wah? Yes, it means shoulder muscle. Check out the Infraspinatus muscle on Wikipedia
  4. lower traps – build a mountain for a neck
  5. pects – remember say no to man boobs
  6. erector spinae – center of your spine
  7. external oblique – I found these after a few weeks of Intermittent fasting

While the Perfect-Pullup™ doesn’t do anything. Performing a perfect form pull-up or chin-up is a great exercise. So skip the pointless equipment, get out on that bar and do a few more reps.


Troy is the founder of Cube.Dweller.Fitness. He's an innovation catalyst in several areas of life including business, marketing, and process improvement. Outside of work he's actively involved in fitness, health, and living vibrantly in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

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