Cube Dweller Fitness - Page 23 of 33 - for life outside the box.

YouTube Fitness | Hanging Windshield Wiper

I ran across a fun video explaining a variation of the hanging leg raise; the hanging windshield wiper. Take a look and give your abs a wipe. Where Have I Seen Scott Herman Before? The Roxbury Now I will admit that often Scott Herman’s workouts are a bit too extreme for me; which might shock ...

Interval Work Out | Legs and Abs Workout Routine

Interval Work Out  |  Legs and Abs Workout Routine
Interval work out – Doing interval training will help you burn the fat quicker by combining strength and cardio workouts. Here is a legs and abs kettlebell workout routine that is all mixed together in an interval workout to help me burn off some fat. I’m switching up my workout program. Join me and shed ...

Hate Running? | Run Like This!

Are you like me? Do you hate running? No really, when you think of running do you immediately try to think of other things to do? I do. I even wrote about why I’m Allergic to Running; I get creative to avoid running. So if you hate running, let me know your creative excuses. Then ...

Two Benefits of Intermittent Fasting | 3 Week Fasting Update

Two Benefits of Intermittent Fasting | 3 Week Fasting Update
It has been three weeks since I quit eating breakfast and I can already see a difference. Can you say, “hello obliques”? Here is an update on my adventure in Intermittent Fasting.   by  skarocket7  Intermittent Fasting is an approach to nutrition where you reduce your caloric intact by including periods of fasting. The research I found ...

Gain Your Independence from Belly Fat

Gain Your Independence from Belly Fat
Happy Independence Week! That’s right, it’s Independence Week, not just Independence Day. Here’s why… I’ve got a guest post with a great deal from Craig Ballantyne. Men’s Health fitness expert and world-famous trainer Craig Ballantyne, creator of the Turbulence Training for Abs System, has announced this week is “Independence from Belly Fat” week all around ...

Flash Mob in Colorado Springs

Flash Mob in Colorado Springs
So what do you get when you combine free-runners, gymnasts, and music together? Flash mob. Better yet, a flash mob starring my daughter. So why post this on a Cube.Dweller.Fitness site? Watch the video and be inspired. Be inspired to dance your heart out, start free-running, or learn to do some flips. Who knows, you ...

Kettlebell Workout | Snatch, Swing, Press, Pull

Kettlebell Workout | Snatch, Swing, Press, Pull
I pulled out the 24kg kettlebell this morning for an awesome workout. This one packs in a full body workout with only a single weight. If you perform these as a super set it is a great metabolic conditioning workout as well. Then finished off with a Bulgarian Training Bag after-burner.   by  sheriffmitchell  The Kettlebell Workout ...

You Don’t Know JACK | Jumping Jack Workout

You Don't Know JACK | Jumping Jack Workout
You don’t know JACK. A phrase we hate to hear. A slam meant to demean and belittle. Jumping jacks are a bodyweight exercise that often get slammed. Here is a bodyweight workout designed and inspired by the jumping jack. Next time you someone slams you about bodyweight programs, tell them they don’t know JACK and ...

TABATA Tuesday | Workout Programs From YouTube

TABATA Tuesday | Workout Programs From YouTube
Tabata Bottom to Bottom Squats This Tabata workout is all about killing the legs. First make sure you have the form down for your bodyweight squat, then enter the Tabata. This variation adds a deep horse-stance during the rest period. 20 Seconds Bodyweight Squats 10 Seconds hold a deep stance, like in the bottom of ...