Train Your Brain | Z-Health Interview with Jason Wood - Cube Dweller Fitness

Train Your Brain | Z-Health Interview with Jason Wood

Strength and cardiovascular training are both important, but in today’s interview with Jason Wood we talk about Z-Health and how to Train Your Brain. We talk specifically about how you can take mini-breaks during the workday to mentally prepare yourself before hitting the slopes for snow sports.

Check out the interview…

Train Your Brain with Z-Health

Train the brain before hitting the slopes with Z-Health. I had an incredible opportunity to interview Jason Wood about Z-Health and how it can help us cube dwellers prepare for snow sports. Sit down and watch as we explore Z-Health and get some excellent background as well as some practical tips to train your brain before hitting the slopes.

Z-Health Interview for Snow Sports

Who is Jason Wood and What is Z-Health

Jason Wood is certified personal trainer with more letters behind his name than most. He was a typical trainer for about 8-9 years.

With that background Jason has been steeped in training disciplines. Each provided a lot of information and practical advice, but also left him with questions. That is, until he encountered Z-Health. As Jason puts it …

Z-Health was actually the period to all the questions he was asking.

The approach doesn’t just focus on the physical, but Z-Health talks to a person’s nervous system. Z-Health helps to train the brain.

Z-Health Focuses on the Neurological Hierarchy:

  • Visual
  • Vestibular
  • Proprioceptive systems

With Z-Health we focus on deliberately training the 3 different systems involved to overcome the survival instinct — avoid falling, seeing obstacles, access information, respond.

As we train we go through 3 changes in motor learning:

  • Cognitive (0-1000 reps)
  • Associative
  • Autonomous

Efficiency from z-Health perspective is doing just the right thing, at just the right time, with just the right amount of energy.

Train Your BrainTo apply Z-Health in practice like during snow sports we need to intentionally do performance reviews after doing activities. We need to analyze our movements and intentionally think about our position and our responses. Be cognative about what we are doing – toes to nose.

Knowing where we are at all times is the key to training our proprioceptive systems.

[Analyzing our movement from toes-to-nose is important in all of our training. That’s why the box squat is such a great way to reset or learn the proper form for squatting. Also carefully analyze your movement when you learn to kettlebell, those dynamic movements make form even more important.]

Z-Health emphasizes individualized health and performance training. It is up to the individual to determine to be healthy, then a trainer can help. Individuals must decide to be active.

To learn more about z-health go to their site and sign up for their newsletter. When you do you will receive a free 34-page 21st Century Strength: Brain-Based Training for Power Athletes report that goes into more depth on Z-Health.

Z-Health is brain-based training for the 21st century.

Train the Brain for Office Workers

The typical excuse is “I don’t have time to train”.

Frankly ask, Do you have a minute an hour to stop and do some drills. Think about taking 1 minute every hour of the work day. That mini-break gives you 40 minutes of focused training every day and s a perfect recipe for success.

Foot Stretching Drill: The Mid-Toe Pull

Z-Health has a lot of information on their site, including many videos. Jason was kind enough to shoot a short video for us that explains the middle-toe pull. Take time to learn this simple foot stretch to help before, or after, hitting the slopes. This foot stretching drill will help with foot, toes, and ankle mobility.

Train the Brain

The take-home from this interview with Jason Wood is to be able to move well and move often to achieve your goals. Skills can be learned, just put in the time to develop the skills.

Let’s hear your thoughts and questions in the comments below.


Troy is the founder of Cube.Dweller.Fitness. He's an innovation catalyst in several areas of life including business, marketing, and process improvement. Outside of work he's actively involved in fitness, health, and living vibrantly in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

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