Bodyweight BlowOut and Swings - Welcome to Monday! - Cube Dweller Fitness

Bodyweight BlowOut and Swings – Welcome to Monday!

Bodyweight Cardio

The start of a new week with two great things: Bodyweight Blow-Out from Craig Ballantyne and 1,000 more swings. It is going to be a great week. No need to force yourself into a gym, just use your bodyweight to burn fat and get into shape. Craig has setup a crazy discount on three of his programs (see sidebar ad) for this week. I’m swinging away on my Got Milk and 10,000 Swings? challenge and I’m on my 5th gallon of milk and completed 5,000 swings.

Bodyweight Blow-Out

I continue to get inspired by Craig Ballantyne with workouts, nutrition, and exercise tips. This week he is dropping the prices on his Bodyweight Workouts. The programs include a 6-month progressive system of bodyweight exercises. Here are some quotes from Craig:

Your body is actually the BEST piece of home gym “workout equipment” in the world for helping you GAIN muscle and BURN fat without spending tons of money

Countless soldiers, secret service men, professional bodyguards, gymnasts, martial artists, dancers, and athletes have long relied on bodyweight training secrets to build a lean, long, sexy look.

And here’s something NO fitness magazine will ever admit. You know those cover models they put on their magazines? The ones with the six pack abs and flat stomachs and no belly fat?

I’ve met dozens of those fitness models, and only a small percentage even workout with weights

Most of them are simply athletic and just like to “bang out” a few quick bodyweight workouts per week.

Take it from Craig that these programs will let you avoid the gym, yet still get in great shape.

No more excuses, you don’t need a gym and a ton of equipment. Get His Bodyweight Programs now while they are on sale.


April continues and today I finished 5,000 kettlebell swings so far this month. My Got Milk and 10,000 Swings? challenge is pushing me both in weight and cardio training.

Today I broke 1000 kettlebell swings into two blocks of 500 reps. I kept my interval timer on 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest.

  1. 20 sets of alternating one hand kettlebell swings. 5 each side.
  2. Recovery Break
  3. 20 sets alternating between three variations:
    • 1 set of two hand kettlebell swings
    • 2 sets of alternating one hand kettlebell swings. 5 each side.

Half-way to doing more than 10,000+ kettlebell swings in April.


Troy is the founder of Cube.Dweller.Fitness. He's an innovation catalyst in several areas of life including business, marketing, and process improvement. Outside of work he's actively involved in fitness, health, and living vibrantly in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

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