Sometimes what’s old is new again. Jack Lalanne inspired generations why not go old-school and relive his class 10 self improvement tips.
I ran across this old video and just had to share it. His advise is timeless and inspiring.
1. Exercise
Get out and move daily. Fight the reality of being stuck in a cubicle. Get up early and workout.
Try one of Craig Ballantyne’s programs if you want to workout at home:
- Turbulence Training Half-Price Offer
- TT Burn Fat At Home Package
- TT Bootcamp Cardio
- TT Bodyweight Exercise
2. Nutrition
Make better choices about your diet. Start small, but make a choice this week.
As Jack says, “you know what to do”.
If you want some suggestions try these out:
- Brad Pilon’s Eat Stop Eat– Intermittent Fasting to burn more fat by how you eat.
- nk”>Dave Ruel’s Anabolic Cooking – use food to help burn fat and build muscle
3. Positive Thinking
Change your thinking and your mindset. Your mindset is where change starts. By thinking positively you can make such a huge change – do it now.
4. Good Habits
I’ve heard it said that it takes 30 days to form a habit. Pick one thing you’d like to change, then build a simple action plan in place to make it happen today.
Rinse, repeat for 30 days. Each day celebrate your progress towards making good habits.
5. Grooming
I love this old-school thinking, but there is a lot to be said for taking care of our appearance. With a little grooming we can help back up our efforts in positive thinking. When we like how we look it is easier to keep a positive attitude. They go hand in hand.
6. Smile
The power of a smile is often underestimated.
Try this for a week.
Every time you come within 15 feet of someone, smile.
It might sound intimidating, it might sound strange. But I challenge you to give it a try for one week. See how it affects your mood. Watch how others react.
I had one person describe me to a colleague from out of town by saying, “just watch for the guy with the smile”. Not a bad way to be known and recognized now is it?
7. Posture
If you’ve read any of my posts you’ve probably heard me say, sitting can kill you.
Well don’t just address your posture while behind the keyboard. Keep your back straight and tall through out the day.
8. Help Others
We live in a culture and a time period that is often described as self-absorbed.
Buck the system and think about someone else. Give your time to help where they need it. That could be something huge or very small. Try holding the door for someone. Offer someone else a place in line. Or … dare I say it, let someone merge in front of you on the freeway.
Step out of your comfort zone and help someone else this week. If you do, come back and post a comment. Let’s hear how you put Jack Lalanne’s ideas into action.
9. Relaxation
Go, go, go!
Isn’t that the never-ending mantra. Well it will lead to an early grave. Relaxation is essential to keep you functioning at your peek both at work and at play.
Take time this week to unplug from the stresses of every day. Get away and rest.
10. Faith
Find a purpose in life. This site isn’t about faith, religion, or theology. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. That decision gives me hope and strength that surpasses human understanding.
Take time to discover faith for yourself. Find strength that isn’t from yourself.
Don’t let the years fool you. Jack Lalanne’s 10 self improvement tips are still as valid as they were when he first filmed them.
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