Interval Work Out | Legs and Abs Workout Routine - Cube Dweller Fitness

Interval Work Out | Legs and Abs Workout Routine

Interval work out – Doing interval training will help you burn the fat quicker by combining strength and cardio workouts. Here is a legs and abs kettlebell workout routine that is all mixed together in an interval workout to help me burn off some fat.

I’m switching up my workout program. Join me and shed the fat together.

Legs and Abs Workout Routine Video

Why an Interval Work Out?

For years I heard that I was supposed to do 30+ minutes of cardio training 3+ times every week. For that training I was often pointed to the row upon row of cardio machines. Sure I did my time. I work up early and made my way to the fitness club so I could get a spot on a machine. Almost like jockeying for position; get there early for a good machine.

Those days trudging away on the treadmill now have me looking back thinking ….

Still steady state cardio help me burn fat? — Wrong, wrong, wrong

What a crock! Sure it might have helped me maintain, but those months didn’t help me shed fat, nor help me gain muscle. It just past the time – in agonizing 30-45 minutes segments running place.

Those months ingrained a deep hatred of cardio machines.

Thankfully I have more than my hatred of steady state cardio to fuel my love of interval training. The research backs is up. An interval work out burns more fat during the exercise, but also increases your metabolism to keep your body burning fat for hours.

Give this interval work out a shot.

The Legs and Abs Kettlebell Workout Routine

This is my lower body workout focusing on working out legs and abs. The workout routine is an interval setup that is similar to The Little Method of interval training. I use 60 seconds of work followed by 60 seconds of rest. Little recommended 75 seconds of rest, use the time you need to recover. For me 60 seconds was perfect.

You should be able to work hard for the entire work interval, then feel your body recover in the rest interval. I used my Garmin FR60 to help keep track of my heart rate through out the workout. While current research is showing the “target zones” to burn fat aren’t ideal, it will show how hard you are working in the work periods, and how well your body is recovering in the rest periods.

You can easily change your interval training workout routine by modifying the number of intervals or the duration of the work and rest periods. When I did the 10,000 kettlebell swing challenge I used intervals of 40 seconds of work with 20 seconds or rest. Feel free to adjust to fit how your body is working. You will progress allowing you to work longer with less recovery time.

For this workout routine set your timer for 12 intervals: 8 for legs and 4 for abs.

Legs Interval Circuit

This portion of the workout only consists of two movements: one arm kettlebell swings and jumping lunges. Do each exercise for 4 intervals of one minutes work and one minute rest.

One Arm Kettlbell Swings

The one arm kettlebell swing is a simple exercise that works your entire posterior chain and your core. Since you are only holding on with one arm, your core must keep your body from twisting. The combination is an excellent movement for a full-body blast.

I grabbed my 24kg kettlebell and managed 44 reps in the minute work period for all four intervals. Just make sure to switch hands each interval.

Jumping Lunges

This movement will tax your legs and your lungs. Start in a lunge position, then drive up and into the air. When you come down switch legs and land in the opposite lunge position.

Keep moving as high and as fast as you can for the entire minute work period.

I managed to hit 45 reps each work period for the intervals.

Abs Intervals

I need to thank Tatianna from Loving Fit for posting an article on the Twisted Toe Touch. It became the core of the abs workout routine.

I’ve been following Rusty Moore’s Abs Blueprint 1.0 and doing lots of let raises and planks. This movement is a bit more active exercise that combines the plank with some action. I had to give it a try. Tatianna’s post pulled me in and I had to drop to the floor to try it shortly after reading the post. I was hooked.

The movement goes like this:

  1. High Plank – start like you are going to do a push up. Hands on the ground, shoulder width apart, arms extended, and your body straight and firm.
  2. Right Toe Touch – bring your right foot under your body and across to the left. Rotate your core to a side-plank, balancing on your right hand, then touch your right toe with your left hand. (Just try it!)
  3. Return to high plank
  4. Left Toe Touch
  5. That’s one. Repeat.

Do as many as you can in the 60 second work period. Repeat this movement for three intervals.

This movement took more time and hit me harder than the others. I managed to nail 36 reps each work period for all four intervals.


Grab that jump rope for an afterburner.

Let your body recover a bit from the intervals, then start skipping. Try different variations, but skip for at least 5-10 minutes.

Give it a try and post your reps for each exercise.


Troy is the founder of Cube.Dweller.Fitness. He's an innovation catalyst in several areas of life including business, marketing, and process improvement. Outside of work he's actively involved in fitness, health, and living vibrantly in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

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