Burn More Belly Fat | Metabolic This and Metabolic That - Cube Dweller Fitness

Burn More Belly Fat | Metabolic This and Metabolic That

Metabolic this and a Metabolic that … it is the resounding jingle on everything related to fitness. But what gives? Does metabolic this and metabolic that really help burn more belly fat?

It Does – and that’s no crap science.

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Metabolic This and Metabolic That

To uncover the reality behind the emphasis on the term metabolic, let dig into some background. First, Merriam-Webster defines Metabolic like this:

met·a·bol·ic (adj) \me-tə-bä-lik\

: of, relating to, or based on metabolism

Helpful, right? Not so much, but let’s keep digging. Metabolism is defined as:

me·tab·o·lism (noun) \mə-ta-bə-li-zəm\

  1. : the sum of the processes in the buildup and destruction of protoplasm; specifically : the chemical changes in living cells by which energy is provided for vital processes and activities and new material is assimilated
  2. : the sum of the processes by which a particular substance is handled in the living body
  3. : the sum of the metabolic activities taking place in a particular environment (the metabolism of a lake)

Now that’s a definition we can start to use. Metabolism is studying the process of delivering energy to our cells.

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Our body gets energy from several different sources. Of course the food we consume, but … also from our reserves, the body fat we’d rather not have. To burn more belly fat we need to dig into our metabolism and crank up our energy delivery.

Isn’t Every Workout – Metabolic?

Remember I am an engineer and the importance of definitions are deeply ingrained. So isn’t every workout metabolic?

Technically I would say they are. Each will increase how our bodies use energy and will demand more energy to be delivered to our cells. But … that’s not the best use of the definition.

If we label metabolic workouts as workouts that are specifically designed to increase the extent and duration of our energy expenditures – then you can start singing metabolic this and metabolic that.

The discovery started back in the early 1990s when researchers began exploring how interval training compared to steady state training. One of the pivotal studies was published in 1994 in Quebec at Laval University [1]. Obviously these guys weren’t marketeers. They entitled their research as Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism. (Did you yawn?)

Despite the incredibly boring title the research forged new ground into helping us understand how to burn more belly fat with interval training, or metabolic training.

They compared a 20 week endurance training program to a 15 wee high intensity interval training program. Not fair, right? The endurance training group spent 5 more weeks training, the is just an unfair advantage. Well — not so fast.

The study states that the interval training group expended less than half the energy of the endurance group, but “induced a more pronounced reduction in subcutaneous adiposity compared to the ET [endurance training] program“.

The key phrase subcutaneous adiposity this is the body fat hidden under the skin. You want those muscles to be visible, right? Shed the layer of insulation around them – the subcutaneous adiposity. And do so by expending half of the energy in 5 fewer weeks.

By exerting your body harder for shorter durations you burn more total energy – it is all about your metabolism – metaboic this and metabolic that.

The research is plentiful. Searching for “metabolic exercise fitness” on pubmed found over 1,000 published articles.

One other study from 2008 from McMaster’s University (what’s with the Canadians?) had this conclusion when comparing low-volume sprint training to traditional endurance training [2]:

Sprint Training Group trained for 1.5 hours per week while the endurance training group spent 4.5 hours per week on a constant-load stationary bike. The sprint training group expended approximately 10% of the amount of energy consumed by the endurance training group.

Despite the differences, both protocols induced similar results.

What!? Exercise 1/10 and get the same results. How you workout is essential to burn more belly fat and the key is understanding metabolic workouts.

What is a Metabolic Workout?

I’ll turn to Craig Ballantyne for some specifics on what makes a metabolic workout. Craig is the creator of the metabolic conditioning built into the 24-7 Fat Loss program.

He characterizes a metabolic workout with the following traits:

  1. Specifically designed combinations of exercises using kettlebells, dumbbells, bodyweight and barbell movements to avoid over-training.
  2. Exercises combined into supersets or circuits to keep your intensity up
  3. Each exercise ideally performed in the 8-12 repetition range
  4. Little to no rest between exercises
  5. Progress from the major muscle groups to the less complex muscle groups

Sample Metabolic Workout To Burn More Belly Fat

To burn more belly fat the metabolic workouts included in the 24-7 Fat Loss program are ideal.

Here is a sample workout from the program. The metabolic workout is split into three supersets. Start with a good warmup before jumping into the first superset.

SuperSet 1 – Squat, Press, and Row

This superset is a combination of three dumbbell exercises the dumbbell squat, the dumbbell chest press, and the dumbbell row. Do each exercise for 40 seconds, then go immediately to the next. Do not rest between exercises. I repeat, do not rest until you’ve completed all three exercises.

Then rest for one minute. Then repeat the entire superset. Rest for one minute and head on to the next superset.

SuperSet 2 – Squat, Plank, Extension, Mountain Climber

The second superset combines four exercises: goblet squat, plank, total body extension, and the cross-body mountain climber. (Remember that Craig gives full and detailed explanations for each and every exercise involved in the 24-7 Fat Loss program.)

This superset drops the intervals down to 30 seconds each exercise. Do not rest between exercises. Take a one minute break, then repeat the superset.

SuperSet 3 – Squat, Jumping Jacks

The final superset is just two exercises using your bodyweight: bodyweight squats and jumping jacks. Do each exercise for 30 seconds without resting between them. Rest for one minute and repeat the superset.

That’s it! Efficient and effective – the metabolic workout. Starting doing these and you will burn more belly fat.

Metabolic This and Metabolic That

Remember that to burn more belly fat it is essential to dig deep to understand how to get your body to burn more energy by working out efficiently and effectively. Based on extensive research, Craig has combined several different levels of workouts into the 24-7 Fat Loss program.

But the metabolic workouts are just half of the equation, how your body burns energy. We also need to explore ways to delve into how your body converts food into energy for use, but that’s a topic for a future post. Stay tuned.

Let’s hear from you. What has you singing metaboic this and metabolic that to burn more belly fat?

Works Cited:

  1. Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism – Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C, Metaboliswm, 1994 Jul;43)7_:814-8.
  2. Similar metabolic adaptations during exercise after low volume sprint interval and traditional endurance training in humans – Burgomaster KA, Howarth KR, Phillips SM, Rakobowchuk M, Macdonald MF, MDGee SL, Gibala MJ, Journal of Physiology, 2008 Jan 1;586(1):151-60. Epub 2007 Nov 8.
  3. About 

    Troy is the founder of Cube.Dweller.Fitness. He's an innovation catalyst in several areas of life including business, marketing, and process improvement. Outside of work he's actively involved in fitness, health, and living vibrantly in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

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